What Is Minimalist Fashion? (& Our Best Tips To Embrace It Today)



Nowadays, the average American buys around 68 pieces of clothing every year. This number is all the more surprising when we think about how many clothes we already have in our wardrobes. 

Because of the boom of fast fashion and the production of cheap clothing, our closets are overflowing, and most of us do not even wear half of our clothes!

Thankfully, in the past few years, many conscious consumers have decided to stop overconsuming and accumulating more and more pieces. They have chosen to embrace slow, minimalist fashion. 

But what is it exactly? In this article, you will learn more about minimalist fashion, its benefits, and how to incorporate it into your life. 


Minimalist fashion is the practice of having a small number of clothes in your wardrobe. You usually only choose to keep your favorite pieces, all of which are functional, fit your body well, and suit your personal style. These are pieces you truly love, feel comfortable in, and want to wear over and over. 

Minimalist fashion is about letting go of excess clothing and shoes that no longer bring value to you, and cherishing the few pieces that bring you joy and make you feel confident. It is also about shopping intentionally, saying no to overconsumption, and not wanting to keep up with the latest trends all the time. 

When you embrace minimalist fashion, you believe that having fewer but better clothes is actually better than having more. You become aware of the terrible consequences fast fashion has on people and the environment, and you want to do something about it. 

What’s more, you start consuming slowly and thoughtfully while being happy with the pieces you already own.  


Applying minimalism to fashion and your wardrobe can be truly life-changing as it comes with many benefits that you can reap immediately! 

Having fewer clothes to choose from means that you experience less decision fatigue in the morning, and you spend less time thinking about what you are going to wear that day.  

You also have less clutter in your closet, which helps reduce stress and overwhelm and makes cleaning a lot easier. Packing for a trip and traveling is a breeze, and moving houses is less chaotic when you have a smaller wardrobe. 

Not buying clothes all the time and becoming a mindful consumer is also incredibly good for the planet! It means that fewer resources need to be produced or extracted from the earth to make all these clothes, and less clothing ends up being discarded in landfills. Plus, when you have less, you usually take better care of your pieces, making them last longer.  

Another great benefit of not buying so many clothes is that you end up saving a lot of money, which can help you pay off debt quicker and be more financially secure. 

Decluttering the excess can also help you discover your personal style as you start to understand what you like wearing and feel comfortable in. 

Finally, having less teaches you contentment and to be grateful for what you have instead of always wanting more, thus contributing to your overall happiness in the long run. 


The following tips will help you embrace minimalist fashion and create a minimalist style!  

Stop buying clothes all the time 

When shopping is a hobby and we have gotten into the habit of buying clothes whenever we want, we start accumulating pieces and our closets become fuller and fuller over time. 

If you want to give minimalist fashion a try, refrain from buying clothes all the time. Set a buying freeze for a few months and only purchase things you absolutely need during that time. You probably already have everything you need in your wardrobe! 

Be honest with yourself and only replace things as they wear out or when you truly need something. 

Declutter clothes you never wear

Take inventory of everything you have in your closet, and declutter anything that does not fit anymore or is not your style. Also, get rid of anything you do not like or feel comfortable in, or things you simply never wear. 

Doing this will help you understand what you like wearing and what your personal style is. Plus, it will create so much space in your closet! 

But please, declutter clothes and shoes responsibly by selling, donating, or recycling them. 

Create a capsule wardrobe 

A great way to apply minimalism to your wardrobe is to create a capsule wardrobe. A capsule wardrobe is a small, thoughtfully curated selection of interchangeable clothes that we love wearing every day. 

Decide on a number that works well for you, and build from there. If you do not know how many clothes are enough for your life, give Project 333 a try! It is a challenge that invites you to dress with only 33 pieces of clothing for three months. At the end of the challenge, add or remove some pieces according to your preferences. 

Of course, take your lifestyle into consideration. You might probably not need as many dress shirts if you work from home as if you went to the office every day. And remember what your priorities are. Do you value more comfort or style?  

Keep your favorite pieces and do what works best for you! If you need more help and inspiration, check out our article about capsule wardrobes and how to build one!

Choose a color palette and try to stick to it

When creating a minimalist style, see what colors you like wearing. Choose a color palette you love, ideally with colors that go well together, and try to stick to those colors when adding new pieces in the future. 

By doing this, you will make it easier for you to create outfits and mix and match pieces! 

Also, if you think neutral colors are boring, that is perfectly fine. You can have a minimalist wardrobe AND wear bright, bold colors! 

Prioritize versatile, multipurpose pieces 

The key to embracing minimalist fashion is to make sure the clothes you have are versatile, feature mostly classic silhouettes, and can be worn with most other pieces. You want to build your wardrobe around some solid basics, like white T-shirts, jeans, or a little black dress.  

For instance, it is great to have pieces you can easily dress up or down, or clothes you can use as a staple in the summer and a layering piece in the winter. 

Also, focus on having timeless clothes that do not go out of style over trendy pieces that you will not want to wear a year from now.

Become a proud outfit repeater

In today’s society, we are taught to think that we should wear a different outfit every day and that we should not wear the same shirt every week. 

But if you want to have fewer clothes, you have to be okay with becoming an outfit repeater. It is perfectly okay to wear the same sweater two or three days in a row or wear the same dress every time you go out with friends. 

Reusing your clothes over and over again is actually the most sustainable thing you can do to reduce their environmental impact! 

Learn to keep things interesting

When we have a minimalist wardrobe, it is important to try and keep things interesting so we do not get bored with our pieces.

So try to be creative! Think about different ways you can style your clothes and see if you can create new outfit combinations. You can also wear different accessories, like scarves, belts, and jewelry.

Also, keep out-of-season clothes stored away and out of your closet. That way, you will feel more excited when you take them out of storage. They will feel almost like new! 

When you need something new, invest in quality over quantity

Minimalist fashion is all about investing in quality pieces that are made to last for many years.

When we only have a few pieces to choose from, we want them to be well-made and durable. They need to stand the test of time because we are constantly reaching for them. Not to mention high-quality clothes are much more enjoyable to wear.  

Yes, they are usually more expensive, but they are worth it in the long run! 

If you need new pieces for your wardrobe, check out these sustainable clothing brands. They sell high-quality, timeless, and versatile basics you will love to have in your minimalist wardrobe! 

Make your clothes last 

Take good care of your clothes so they last as long as possible. Wash them less frequently, read fabric care labels carefully, wash them in cold water, and air dry them if you can. 

That way, you will not have to buy as many clothes over time. 


Embracing minimalist fashion is a great way to make your wardrobe more sustainable. 

By slowing down your consumption and getting rid of the excess, you also create a wardrobe full of clothes you love and look forward to wearing each and every day. 

And that is a wonderful feeling.

Less is truly more! 

About the Author

Eva Astoul is a French freelance writer, specializing in content related to sustainability, simple living, and a growth-focused healthy lifestyle.

She runs her own blog, Green With Less, to inspire people to live a more minimalist and sustainable life.



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